Our episode on free motion quilting on a domestic machine was so popular, we are back to talk about longarm quilting tips! We also talk about what criteria quilters use to choose patterns and books.
This episode is brought to you by Ink & Arrow Fabrics!
The quilt hanging behind us is our new Main Squeeze pattern quilt! The one in this episode is made with a layer cake, and there’s also a jelly roll version! Get the pattern and make your own version!
Tips and links for this episode:
- Lynn uses Red Snappers to load quilts on her longarm
- Learn to dip your thread in mineral oil to help keep down lint!
- That big box home improvement store has canvas aprons for sale for $0.97 (the price went up from when Pam bough them before!)
- Why is music helpful to listen to while quilting?
- You may want to try a saddle stool while longarm quilting
- Pam references Joan Ford‘s quilting books for scrap quilting
- Today’s episode was brought to you by Ink & Arrow Fabrics, because fabric should be fun! Check out their Pixie Dots line!
- Thanks to our production partners 77peaches enterprises and Big Think Productions.
- Audio only versions of the show are available in the Hip to be a Square quilting podcast feed.
- The Stitch TV Show mugs are available from Lasting Impressions Atlanta!
- Our next Virtual Stitch-In is Friday Sept 8 at 7pm US Eastern.
- If you enjoyed it, help spread the word on your blog, or share on social media and tag us with #TheStitchTVShow!