We talk about one-patch quits and different trapunto techniques (and what both those things mean). This episode is brought to you by QT Fabrics!
The quilt hanging behind us is Pam’s quilt, “Feeling Clammy in the Irish Disco”. It’s made using the Glam Clam ruler.
Tips and links for this episode:
- Pop-up pattern and spring from the Gypsy Quilter
- One Patch Quilts by Carolyn Forster is a great book for more info on one-patch quilts.
- Use a flannel-backed vinyl tablecloth as a portable design wall (or design floor)
- This is a good book on machine trapunto, by Hari Walner (it’s the one Pam has)
- Blunt tip scissors or duck bill applique scissors are preferred for trimming the batting away from the trapunto-ed area.
- Leah Day’s biscuit quilt, or “puff quilt“
- More about weighted blankets for sensory issues
- Today’s episode was brought to you by QT Fabrics, so you can imagine and create!
- Come chat in our What’s Up Stitches? group on Facebook!
- Thanks to our production partners 77peaches enterprises and Big Think Productions.
- Audio only versions of the show are available in the Hip to be a Square quilting podcast feed.
- The Stitch TV Show mugs are available from Lasting Impressions Atlanta!
- Our next Virtual Stitch-In is Friday March 16 at 7pm US Eastern.
- If you enjoyed it, help spread the word on your blog, or share on social media and tag us with #TheStitchTVShow!